Become a reseller
At you have 3 ways to win with our services. Below you will see analytically the 3 options.

Premium Reseller
If you have the confident that you will have several clients, we can supply you your own Panel where you can request IPTV packages for your clients.
In order to do this, you must prepay us the amount of 300 euro and give you access to your panel with 300 credits. Those 300 credits can be used in any way that you want.
Premium Reseller
starter packPrivate Bronze 1 = 15 euros
Private Silver 3 = 30 euros
Private Gold 6 = 50 euros
Private Platinum 12 = 80 euros
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- Premium Bronze 1 = 19 euros
- Premium Silver 3 = 42 euros
- Premium Gold 6 = 68 euros
- Premium Platinum 12 = 110 euros
Premium Reseller Pro
If you have the confident that you will have several clients, we can supply you your own Panel where you can request IPTV packages for your clients.
In order to do this, you must prepay us the amount of 500 euro and give you access to your panel with 500 credits. Those 500 credits can be used in any way that you want.
Premium Reseller Pro
starter packPrivate Bronze 1 = 11 euros
Private Silver 3 = 20 euros
Private Gold 6 = 35 euros
Private Platinum 12 = 60 euros
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- Premium Bronze 1 = 15 euros
- Premium Silver 3 = 33 euros
- Premium Gold 6 = 59 euros
- Premium Platinum 12 = 98 euros

If you have the confident that you will have several clients, we can supply you your own Panel where you can request IPTV packages for your clients.
In order to do this, you must prepay us the amount of 300 euro and give you access to your panel with 300 credits. Those 300 credits can be used in any way that you want.
Prices* for Re-Sellers are:
Bronze (1 month): 18€
Silver (3 months): 39€
Gold (6 months): 69€
Platinum (12 months): 100€
Adult (6 months): 35€
Adult (12 months): 50€
If you need more credits then you will buy from us again which will cost the same 1 credit = 1 euro and you can buy as many credits as you like.
(*) Prices are reduced more once you reach the 50 subscriptions.
Resellers can not be affiliates at the same time.

Each member with an active subscription is automatically Affiliate.
Here, you have the opportunity to share wherever you want your personal link (affiliate link) and earning commissions FOREVER!
Commissions starting from 10% (VIP 13%) in the first purchase that will make each new member you recommend for our services.
BUT, For our services’ lovers we have special commissions with more profits!
-From 5 to 15 sales within 30 days, you can earn 15% (VIP 18%) in each new purchase that will become, and
-From 15 and up sales within 30 days, you can earn 20% (VIP 25%) in each new purchase.
- The minimum payout commission is 20 €.
- Payments commissions are made at 1st day of every month.
- The commissions are calculated to be paid 10 days after the sale, for safety reasons.
- The duration of the affiliate cookie is 180 days.
Choose your package and start with us!
If any affiliate wants to become Reseller in the future, he/she will lose the rights of affiliate.