Pay with card (Net-btc)

by Jun 29, 2018

1. Click the button BUY with Net-btc

2. Enter the amount of your subscription plus service fee 10% (SEE BELOW)

Full IPTV packages

BRONZE 1: 27.50 — SILVER 3: 55 — GOLD 6: 88 — PLATINUM 12: 143

GOLD 6+1: 99 PLATINUM 12+3: 165

Friends & Family packages

F&F BRONZE 1: 44 — F&F SILVER 3: 93.50 — F&F GOLD 6: 154 — F&F PLATINUM 12: 231

Adult packages

Adult 6: 44 — Adult 12: 66

3. Click “Add to cart”

4. Click “View cart”

5. Click “Proceed to checkout”

6. At “Billing Details” submit your personal details

7. At “Bitcoin Voucher details” submit:



Your Email Address: [email protected]

Message to Recipient: YOUR PAYMENT CODE

8. Click “Make payment”

9. Put your card details to make the payment

When we receive the payment, you must wait 12-24 hours



